
THE OGRE GODS SAGA by Hubert and Gatignol

Created by Neurobellum Productions

The award-winning dark fantasy series described as GAME OF THRONES meets BROTHERS GRIMM. NOTE: The first wave of Kickstart Orders are now locked for shipping in late-July. Pre-orders placed after April 23rd will ship as part of the second wave in early August.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fulfillment update / digital coming next week
almost 2 years ago – Sun, May 29, 2022 at 11:34:40 AM

Hi everyone!

Hope you are enjoying a nice Memorial Day weekend (or just a nice regular weekend for those of you outside the US)! We're on the road ourselves spending some much-needed time away from the computer (except for feeling the need to post this update... screen addiction, maybe? We're working on it...)

Things are coming together quickly now that the books and slipcases have reached our warehouse. They will begin the process of stuffing the previous volumes into the cases for those of you who ordered the full set this week. Once that is finished, everything will be moved to Quartermaster for final packing and shipping. 

Right now, with QMLs current (massive) workload, that will likely have orders going out near the end of June/early July. But for what it's worth, that window is looking pretty comfortable. If you are moving or are concerned about needing to update your shipping address, you can message us that new information, but rest assured that QML will send an Advance Shipping notification email about a week before boxes leave their dock giving you a 72hour window to provide an updated address.

International orders will leave for their respective regional hubs that same week. We'll keep everyone updated on that timetable as it is confirmed closer to those dates.

That's all fine and good, but what about the digital stuff??

We've been analyzing our platform options, between Gumroad (which we've been using on our most recent campaigns) and DriveThru (which we just recently started using with our first tabletop game release), and because these books are licensed from another publisher, we need to confirm that there is no restriction or conflict on which platform we use. This has taken a little extra time, but we fully expect to not only have that decision made by next week, but the moment we do, we will distribute those links/codes to everyone right away.

We know you've been waiting for a while, but as a licensee, we have to be diligent with our partners and make the best decisions for everyone involved. We're sorry for the delay and lack of explanation the past few weeks while these discussions have carried on, but they're coming soon! Promise!

Thanks for your patience, everyone! It'll definitely be worth the wait!

Ambassador Points have been awarded! Digital Rewards coming soon!
about 2 years ago – Sat, Apr 30, 2022 at 11:24:02 AM

Hi everyone!

Just a quick update to let you all know that 

Ambassador Points have been awarded!

In case you missed the mention on the campaign page, everyone who pledged to the campaign will receive a number of Ambassador Points equivalent to their final pledge. What are Ambassador Points?  They are reward points that can be collected and redeemed for discount codes on our webstore, and a great way to further support Magnetic Press (while getting some more cool books at a great price)!

If you are already a webstore customer and part of the program, just log into your webstore account (which should be the same email address as your Kickstarter/Backerkit account). You should see those new points added to your balance under the heading "OGRE GODS SAGA Kickstarter Points."

If you don't have an account on our webstore, your points have been entered, but you will need to complete registration to use them. 😊

For a walkthrough of how to register, just follow the steps in this update from a previous campaign:

You can use points for discount codes, gift cards, and pretty soon exclusive collectible items that you can only get using points! (MIssing some previous campaign Challenge Coins...? Stay tuned!) It's definitely a fun program that we'll be building on very soon!

If you don't see those points in your account or have any questions about the above, please send us a message here on Kickstarter and we'll get back to you ASAP. Please note that if you haven't completed your Backerkit order, your points have not been awarded yet, so check to make sure your survey and any remaining payment are complete.

In the meantime, we're getting all of the digital rewards formatted and ready to go, so watch for another update very soon with news on when those are posted!

Thanks, everyone!

Bundled shipping credit has been applied (where qualified)! Backerkit charging cards TOMORROW!
about 2 years ago – Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 01:38:30 PM

Hi everyone!

Hope you had a great weekend -- we got back from travel last night and spent all day today re-reviewing orders for bundling qualification and then applying credit to those orders that do qualify. AND WE GOT THROUGH IT ALL IN ONE DAY!

All Backerkit order amounts should now be final, with any shipping adjustments applied!

Thanks to some masterful spreadsheet sorting and clever scripts, we were able to boil down the 790 orders that needed adjustments into only 63 order segments which certainly cut down the task a bit. Altogether, we awarded over $17,717 in shipping credit! It really does go to show you how much you can save by supporting multiple campaigns! 😁 Especially for our international supporters -- if I had to venture a guess, I'd say more than half of that was applied to international shipping...

Please check your Backerkits, particularly if you backed more than one of the three campaigns being fulfilled together (THE OGRE GODS SAGA, ARSENE LUPIN, and ADRASTEA). If you did back more than one of those, you should now only see shipping on one (the largest one, to be fair).

If something does not look correct or if you were expecting something to be different, please message us right away! We are 99.99% confident that everything has been updated and applied correctly, but we are only human. 😊

We will begin processing Credit Cards through Backerkit at 5pm CST TOMORROW!

Once that is done, we will then look towards digital reward distribution. Barring any barriers or delays, we may be able to do that as soon as this coming MONDAY! So stay tuned to these updates... good stuff is coming up!

Thanks again, everyone!

Slight delay: Credit Cards will be charged NEXT WEDNESDAY!
about 2 years ago – Fri, Apr 15, 2022 at 11:50:08 PM

Hi everyone!

Man, where has this week gone?!? We've completed the (exhausting) process of reviewing all 4200+ locked orders for OGRE GODS, ARSENE LUPIN, and ADRASTEA to confirm and combine qualifying orders for bundled shipping. 

It took a bit longer than expected because 4200 is a lot of orders to comb through one at a time! But I'm happy to say that part is done!

What that chore left us with, however, is now manually crediting out shipping fees from the 790 orders that qualified... 😳😵🥴

We truly expected to have that process done by the end of the day today, but it is not, and unfortunately (for you), we're traveling tomorrow to spend the Easter weekend with family that we haven't seen in a year of quarantine. So we won't be able to finish the task until next Tuesday.

What that means is shipping credit won't be applied to those qualifying orders until next week. So please be aware that we are aware that your orders still reflect shipping even when bundling is due. But don't worry:

Credit Cards will not be charged until NEXT WEDNESDAY EVENING.

(Assuming no other obstacles derail our focus...)

Sorry for the delay, but please know that this has no impact on the fulfillment dates. Things are continuing to move just fine in the background towards late-May/early-June shipping. 😊

Thanks, everyone! If you have any questions, please feel free to message us, and we'll try to reply as quickly as we can (even on the road, if we're able).

Backerkit orders will automatically lock in 48 hours! Please verify your info!
about 2 years ago – Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 11:54:22 AM

Hi everyone!

Happy Saturday! As mentioned in the previous update, we initiated the order lock on Backerkit this morning. You should all have received an email from Backerkit notifying you of this 48-hour window.

What this means is that we are finalizing the item count and closing the store so that we can be ready to fulfill as quickly as possible in late May. If you need to make any changes to your order -- revising any item quantities, add-ons, or updating your address or payment method -- you have 48 hours left to do that before Backerkit will automatically lock your orders!

Once that automatic lock has been completed on Monday, we will begin the manual process of reviewing all orders to identify those that qualify for bundling with the other two campaigns shipping at the same time (ARSENE LUPIN and ADRASTEA). This is a manual process and may take us a few days to complete. So please note that you will still see the separate shipping charges on those separate orders in the meantime, but don't worry -- if your orders qualify, we will have those adjustments made BEFORE CREDIT CARDS ARE CHARGED ON FRIDAY.


This way you will be able to confirm any shipping credits due have been properly applied before you are actually charged any final balances. We will be sure to post another update letting you all know when that manual crediting process is complete so that you can check and confirm your balance due. Our goal is to have it all complete by Wednesday, so watch for an update then.

In the meantime, we would love for you to join us Tuesday morning for the launch of our next fabulous Kickstarter campaign --

A coming-of-age graphic novel fairy tale told in a beautiful animated style by JC Deveney and illustrator Nuria Tamarit.

A farmer finds a baby abandoned in the middle of the valley, but this is no normal baby… it is already the size of his horse cart! How can something so big be so helpless? Taking the giant child in, his wife and sons welcome the new addition to the family, whom they name Celeste. Raising a giant won’t be easy but growing up is fraught with its own challenges no matter your size…

This is a beautiful, 200-page giant-sized graphic novel (9x12") about self-discovery and embracing your uniqueness by two fantastic authors, JC Deveney and Nuria Tamarit. We fell in love with this story when we first read the French edition, and we think you will too. 😊

Like our previous campaigns, you can pre-register here to get an EXCLUSIVE two-sided mini-poster for FREE with your pledge! We're offering campaign-exclusive bonus items with each copy, so please join us on Tuesday to grab your copy!

Thanks, everyone!